42. ‘Not that subject again’ Ode

I feel a tad tired, I feel extremely lazy
My eyesight is becoming more and more hazy
I am really not sure if I can walk in a straight line
I promise I am not like this all of the time
I’d rather you didn’t look, or stand and stare
Please don’t judge me – don’t you dare

It’s late and dark, things are not right
By the way, I don’t plan to stay up all of the night
My voice is still wobbly, I feel quite low
Emotions are high, I have you know
At the moment I’m wrecked and feel quite unwell                                                           I need some of that food which I can smell

Are my odes predictable, we need to discuss
Why am I always rhyming things with ‘fuss’
And ‘care’ and ‘stare’ and ‘unwell’ as well
I have noticed that I do seem to dwell
And write about one subject with ease
This one is different it’s about getting drunk

Please note : I’m Not

6 January 2018

Janet Bric a Brac

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