83. Call off the search …. I am here

You know when its goes past being ‘acceptable’, sprints past ‘just about acceptable’, ambles past ‘this is not funny any more’ … ending up at ‘where the expletive are you you stupid expletive’ … ‘headlong into people arguing over who gets first dibs on your fluff collection.  Well that’s me at the moment.

There’s no easy way to say this but  …‘I am okay’

Blog 82 may have made some a a little sad and concerned.  Especially if you only know me as a twinkle in a blog.  If you know me in real life, then you know although a tiny bit unhinged from time to time i am okay.

20 August 2018 was the last post and it is now 18 October – flaming  Nora* thats a long ole time

*Nora is not on fire be calm

List of excuses : in no particular order

  •  I am  writing a lot of  Poetry at the moment – one hundred poems and rising.
  • I am  performing said poems at a couple of festivals and open mics and am getting ideas above my station.
  • Putting together a poetry book to sell.
  • General distractional faffing
  • Me and my ‘wiseish’ man have given a couple of talks about living with pd.
  • I went on holiday with my wise ish man – pd came with.
  • Still writing for local paper 24 columns 16,000 words and rising.
  • Had full hip op recovery has been v awful.
  • Disease to be experienced.
  • and so on and so forth – flamingo heck and atj.

If Mr helpful administrative tech guy is reading this – I would like to put together a Parkinality website to group everything together (that’s the Capricorn in me) then I would like to creatively bring all my waffley twaddle together in a one stop shop (or one shop avoid) of all things Parkinality.,

So I was going to write something this morning in my blog about a crubbish pd morning but thought I can’t do that as I haven’t written for so long.  I need to compose an excuse preamble.

So preamble done which will have to suffice as I have Marylebone to hover above,

zip er dee doo dah and atj



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